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Suni White • January 9, 2025

If I knew then, what I know now.......

One of my favorite things to engage in is research. I find the how, why, when, who, and what extremely intriguing. I can sit and watch documentaries for hours on every subject, from wide receivers to why social media is so addictive. To me, there is nothing more fascinating than human behavior.

Ironically enough, this picture of me and my paternal grandparents was taken one month shy of my 11th birthday. Today, as I write this short blog, I am three months into my 65th year. Where did the time go? However, if we've ever interacted, you know age is truly just a number.

At some point, I believe every adult has thought or verbalized the following: "If I knew then what I know now...." There are books written on the topic, lyrics penned, and songs sung, and we can probably agree that the sentiment behind it is relatively simple. What if we had the chance to imagine how our current life might be different based on the insight, information, and wisdom we currently possess? What if we were able to walk through life, seeing around every corner? What if it was possible to avoid life's lessons? 

Although some aspects of my life, not unlike yours, have been filled with pain, suffering, mental anguish, and tough times, I am grateful that I remained clueless until I wasn't.

I am embarking on a different journey at 65. Social Security paperwork, Medicare plans that make your head spin, and extreme excitement about the future. My spouse and I have plenty of travel plans and dreams. I have books that I can't wait to devour and loved ones that I want to visit whenever I feel like it. At this point, I can do what I want, when I want, for as long as I want. 

The Lord has kept me. I don't need to see my future as long as I know who holds it.


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